Sunday, April 21, 2013

Word for today - Camera

I carry my camera in my purse so I'm ready to "shoot" most of the time. Here's what I saw yesterday, when I was driving home from Zumba class. I'm glad I was alone. My poor husband would have hung on for dear life when I pulled over and jammed on the breaks!

Only once in awhile I wish I had a camera like my friends Tami and Christine have-One that has changeable lenses though I wouldn't have it handy all the time, so mine is good.  Or a smart phone. I love that people can take good quality shots and immediately post them to emails or Facebook. I've been sent some great ones of kids sports events. But I pluck away with my trac phone and point and shoot camera.
  I shoot, shoot, shoot and here are a few other photos from this week...
Flowers from a friend. Thanks Kathy-and Irene and Marsha too for your lovely surprise!
One of the luscious steak salads I prepared for lunch the other day. I had never had a cold salad with warm meat on it until Tami Wight introduced me to them at the NESCBWI conference last spring. Now I fix them all the time. The bonus topping is a fine balsamic vinegar from Fiore in Rockland, ME. This one is topped with drops of two different flavors: Maple aged balsamic and Raspberry balsamic. Just to make everyone hungry!
...and Mr. Cardinal who hangs out here and watches out for the Mrs.
    So those are just a few shots from this week that are stored on my computer, which brings me to the photos of years past.  I have boxes and totes and bags and boxes full of pictures taken with the old film cameras: neighbors, friends, relatives, nature and tons of zoo pictures. I shared many and am trying to bag more to share now. I've always gotten sucked in-do you remember the time that Clarks and some of the others offered develop with me and you get a set or two free?!?!?!? I did! As for the zoo pictures, they're the animal shots like zebras, elephants, big birds. Where were they taken? I don't know.
     This has been a week of tragedies and triumphs, smiles, tears, and prayers. I found out this morning that one of our lovely neighbors died. My husband and I have been smiling and reminiscing about her all morning. Ariel wasn't judgmental at all because she never thought good or bad, she truly only knew good.
   Molly sent me a poem that I wrote about Ariel a few years ago. I will have to dig out my copy and edit, I think. I've always been a rambler with my words.  Am I a poet? I'm not sure about that. So even though this has no true form (besides Mona's ramblings) and is really rough, I will share this:

A wife,mother,neighbor,hero
living life by the word of the Book
giving offerings each day of her life
reaching out with the gentleness of 
a deer crossing her lawn on the dew of early morn
or with soft words that delicately touch like
lavender poppies,a welcome to her door
sharing shovels full with wanting neighbors
Her wisdom sharp and clear
Fine as the stitches sewn on a patchwork quilt
sweet smile on her face while she outlines
the one on a doll  in her lap, teaching
a granddaughter tricks of the craft or 
to be a heartfelt community volunteer
knowing when encouragement is needed
offering strength and comfort to those in need
considerate of each one's strength or weakness
consoling as we mourn the passing of her life.

In loving memory of Ariel Linscott.


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