Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Happy Spring!!!

     I live in Maine where we have four distinct seasons, and today is the first day of spring! We read and write about buds and daffodils, pussy willows and sprigs of green peeking through the brown earth. But this morning, we looked out to see this.

Can you believe?!?!?  We were expecting it. Our weather experts are pretty smart and warned us in advance. I was excited. Many of my friends sighed or ranted and expressed their anger at poor Punxatawny Phil. Me, I whined  too, before I went to bed, because I didn't see the inches of snow promised. So, I was happy with the overnight accumulation. (all right, I know my friends will try to catch me and put me in a hole with Phil!) There was plowing and shoveling, but too light and dry for snow people.
    My niece loved it too. The private roads weren't plowed so she had to spend a few hours with me before going to "auntie Kendra's". For her, this snow wasn't lemons it was fun and lemonade (or, in this case, hot chocolate).

   So, the season is mixing up our lives a bit, and personally, I've been mixing up my own a bit too. I've set the favorite non fiction picture books aside and am trying again to create fun and funny stories. It's been all about the verbs! We shall see. Besides mixing up the writing ,I'm mixing other things too. My friend Kathy and I have taken a different route for our 4 mile walk, the almost idle sewing machine is buzzing again (cute baby items, I think), the oven is warming and there's been lots of chicken soup simmering for neighbors who've had the flu. And hemming my GW finds while listening to a monotone kindle voice. And speaking of voice, I've really just "heard" what Cynthia Lord asked me last winter about my MG story character and until now. I couldn't come up with the answer to her question until yesterday! The  "all of a sudden" her question came to mind along with the answer. Yay! Oh thanks Cindy.
   Life just keep getting better and better. How can that be? With the exceptions of the rejections of course! Hey maybe just maybe one of those editors/agents will mix it up a bit and include me in their juggling!
     Happy day. Happy spring. 


  1. Hi Mona! You did get some snow! We had a really nice first day of spring here. Warm weather and perfect for my weekly tennis last night. Your niece is a cutie!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Okay, somehow my daughter's friend's google account was still up on my computer! I wanted to say how glad I was to see you've had a breakthrough on your story! Yay! can't wait to hear all about it.
