Saturday, June 15, 2013

Planting Time

      It's been over a month again, since my last post. I am such a procrastinator and besides that, Facebook is so simple to quickly jot a day's happening. Those of you that read the postings know that I've enjoyed my winter and spring being a volunteer reader/crafter at our library story hour and at a local Christian School. I'm a bit sad that school's over though I helped a friend at her day care the other morning, and of course did some reading there.
      Planted the little garden a week or so ago, and I swear, it's as much work and takes as long to plant this one as when I used to plant the half acre plot! (a bit of exaggeration, maybe).  The hoe is the same one I've used all through the years. You can see the orange markings that have measurements written on each one. They were to keep the proper spacing so the rototiller could fit between rows(hub's way), I do it my way...everything hugs!

 (love working the soil with bare feet!)
    So now the garden grows, foundation fluffed, seeds planted, sun and rain nurture. (no photos now though it's growing)
And that my friends brings me to my writing venture. I'm dry, in a drought! I thought the reading would plant seeds, nurture the buds, but I've had a few months of dry spell. I've never thought of this as writer's block-just drought, but some droughts just last longer than others. So what to do, what to do? Keep writing. Nurture the "old" seeds- tweak, revise, critique, and read other writer's ideas until one hits with a bang!
    I've always been able to look at the BIG of things and divide into little plots to tackle in comfortable pieces. Here's a blog that hit home this week...
 Donna L Martin    with Carol Munro.  Thanks.
 So ready, set, go!!! Make a plan, take it in smaller steps...I'm on, are you?
    Now, time for a bit of cheerleading and a big announcement...TaDa...
    For Sale-Monsters!!! And Tara Lazar's new book is the place to shop.
I have it on my to 'order' list. I'll admit (I hate to admit) that I buy many books for my kindle, but Monstore is going to be a book with paper pages to crinkle and turn and read and talk between the lines to "my" library and school kids. One of the things kids love best, when I read are the things that I share about the authors or illustrators I know or have met. They think I'm famous because I know so many of you famous authors! Check this one out-and congratulations, Tara!

I'll end by telling you about a few sweet surprises we received this week. One was a call from an "old" classmate to meet up with a few others that were in town-what a fun breakfast we had this morning. We don't see each other often, but when we do, it's kind of like we're still in our teen years...(right!)
  The other surprise was when "painter man" Chris Knight, stopped by the other night and gave us pure maple syrup that he and his wife Lorraine boiled down this spring. Thanks so much.
   Have a great week and don't hold your breath waiting for my next post. Hopefully it will be sooner than this one....mmmmmmmmm!